
Rennes Saint-Jacques Airport – Spotting Guide
October 8, 2020
Orléans-Bricy BA 123 – Spotting Guide
October 14, 2020
Rennes Saint-Jacques Airport – Spotting Guide
October 8, 2020
Orléans-Bricy BA 123 – Spotting Guide
October 14, 2020Heraklion Airport – Spotting Guide

Heraklion Intl. “Nikos Kazantzakis” Airport (HER/LGIR) is the doorway to the Greek island of Crete. It is located just a few meters east of the city of Heraklion itsself and was opened back in March 1939. During WW2, air traffic were ceased, but restarted in 1946 once the DC3 got introduced into local service here. It was in 1948, that the first regular services were flown by Hellenic Airlines from Heraklion though and the runway was only paved in 1953 – today’s direction 09/27. After the first DC4 landing in 1954, Olympic Airways joined Heraklion flights in 1957 with their DC6s. In the early 70s, the runway’s extention was completed, which wa sthe milestone for today’s traffic as it allowed the first international charter flight to land at HER. Since then, numbers and flights increased while atrracting new carriers all the time, setting the number of passengers up to almost 8 million passenger in 2018.
Nowadays, Heraklion is mostly known for all the charter flights during holiday time in summer including a big variety of vacation carrier. In addition, you will also see local greek airlines here as well as some greek military movements.
Written by Severin Hackenberger in cooperation with Mattia De Bon, Maël Robin, David Stutz, Dirk Grothe (spot 3B) and Stephan Weidenhiller (spot 4). Last Update: October 2021
Rating | |
Movements | ![]() |
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Airport Information | |
Runways | |
09/27 | 2714m / 8800ft – Asphalt |
12/30 | 1556m / 5138ft – Asphalt |
Terminals | One terminal site, used for all operations – international and domestic. |
Spotting Information | |
Ladder | Not recommended and not needed at most spots as you can always use rocks/walls around here to clear your view. |
Car/Public Transport | Car is definitely needed, otherwise you are screwed. |
Restrooms | No real facilities, however thanks to the plenty restaurants, you will mostly find some nearby. |
Drinks/Food | There are restaurants, shops and bars all around the island/beaches, thus most spots are covered here, too. |
Hotels | The best one to watch the traffic is the lti AKS Minoa Palace in Karteros directly at the beach. |
Season | Summer is definitely the best time here. Although light may be high during noon, the traffic in winter is just horrible as well as the weather. Traffic is still poor in spring and already a bit lame in october again. |
Runway Usage | |
General Info | 27 is the regular direction of air traffic at Heraklion. |
09/27 | Major runway handling almost all operations. |
12/30 | Used rarely, by military flights only then mostly. |
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Spot #1 – Metro Shopping Market – 27 movements |
WHERE | From the airport follow the road toward port/heraklion centre until a big parking on the right in front of Metro shopping market where you can park easily. Then just east/on the right of the supermarket building, go to the end of a little road from which’s northernmost point you will see some movements. There is supposed to be a small wall on oyur right from where you can also shoot onto the runway. This spot can more or less also be reached by public transport as it is only a 10-15 minute walk from the airport terminal, where public transport stops.In the case the supermarket staff sent you away, go to a parallel street in western direction with nearly the same angle. |
WHAT | Arrivals and Departures on runway 27. |
TIME | From late morning till late afternoon. |
MISC. | The problem from this position is if there is an aircraft parked in front of you it will cover your view and the possible shot is when the departing aircraft is in the air. Heat haze is a BIG problem! Ladder is recommendable but there is a small wall just close to the market as mentioned which allows to avoid the fence. All other stuff you can find in the supermarket just next to you. Although security mostly does not care here about us, but rather keep a low profile here so the supermarket employees don’t kick us out! |
FOCAL LENGTH | B738 on runway = 165mm / B767 on runway = 150mm B38M departure = 100mm |
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Spot #2 – Airside terminal windows – Ramp + runway 09/27 movements |
WHERE | This spot can be found airside AFTER security check. So once you passed the checks, literally just search your favourite position along the glasses at the northern front. This spot is not one exact window/position, as you can choose freely here all around/between the gates. |
WHAT | Ramp activities as well as the runway just behind nicely. |
TIME | From late morning till late afternoon. |
MISC. | All facilities inside the terminal like restrooms or foodshops. You will also have haze here on hot days unluckily. Keep in mind, that you need a VALID BOARDING PASS to reach this spot, which is located AFTER SECURITY CHECK, so it’s AIRSIDE. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 50-300mm 100mm = B738 on parking stand / A320 on runway = 210mm |
Airside area looks like THIS and shots from there like these below:
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Spot #3 – Church hill / Beach – 27 Arrivals |
WHERE | East of the airport you will find a long beach. Just where this begins in the west close to the airport, you will find a restaurant called “Léschi Aeroporías”. Make your way there via “Palea EO Irakliou Agiou Nikolaou” street and just a few meters southeast of this restaurant, park your car on a public beachparking bay. Then on the opposite side of the restaurant, climb the little hill next to a church, Spot 3A, which will offer a great view then. However, heat haze is a problem because of the rocks. If that happens, stay at Spot 3B, on the small road beside the restaurant on the beach (parking sign on the map), the angle is almost the same. But don’t enter the parking lot of Leschi Aeroporias, since this is already military area. |
WHAT | Arrivals onto runway 27 only. |
TIME | From late morning till late afternoon. |
MISC. | Spotting here is no problem normally at all, as airport authorities can not see you. Restaurant over the road is not available to the public and is only for military personnel and family members only! Just be aware as there are no signs saying |
FOCAL LENGTH | From A: A320 = 350mm From B: A319 = 340mm; A320 = 310mm; B753 = 210mm |
Spot 3A:

Spot 3B:

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Spot #4 – Karteros Beach – 27 Arrivals |
WHERE | The safest and most relaxing position to catch the 27 arrivals is the Karteros Beach which starts at spot #3. We recommend to find a place in one of the many beach clubs along the ocean. The photos below were taken from the YaBanaki club. |
WHAT | Arrivals on runway 27 only. Be aware of the ocean below the aircraft which cause a blue cast on the body. |
TIME | From late morning till late afternoon. |
MISC. | Spotting here is no problem and you will find shadow, something to sit down and delicious food as well. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 400-500mm for single aisle aircraft |
Hello Julian and fellow spotters.
I have been on holiday at Heraklion for 7 days and photographing from Spot 3B. No problems at all with security/police/military. There’s even a cute local beach dog who greets tourists and begs to be patted. 😉
You do not need a car to get to 3B, just the No. 7 bus from Heraklion. No. 12 bus for the trip home. They operate on a frequent schedule and only cost €1.60 per trip (Sep/Oct 2024). No. 7 & 1 will take you to Spot 2.
Light is good from midday to about 6pm at this time of year, if photographing from 2 or 3B.
Correction to my last sentence, above:
Light is good from midday to about 6pm at this time of year, if photographing from 1 or 3B.
Very nice spotting is from the airport itself when you wait to board. I believes that all spotters arrive through the airport and also leaves from it. The advantage of these old small airports is that everything is so near and through the window you have many opportunities to catch landing and takeoffs with the sea in the background
The Léschi Aeroporías Restaurant over the road from spot 3 is not available to the public and is only for military personnel and family members only! Just be aware as there are no signs saying
Good to know! Thanks for the hint Jaydan.
Today I was spotting on Spot 1 and the supermarket staff instantly sent me away. Instead I went to a parallel street in western direction with nearly the same angle and I think you probably won’t have any problems with security & similar. Maybe worth an add 🙂
I have left a note in the guide Patrick.
Thanks, Julian
update October 2021: I would not recommend to climb the church hill (#3), there is some heathaze due to the rocks. Better stay on the small road beside the Leschi Aeroporias on the beach (under the blue/white P sign on the map), the angle is almost the same as #3 but much better than #4 and no heathaze, the aircraft are still over the sea, not the rocks…but don’t enter the parking lot of Leschi Aeroporias, since this is already military area – on the beach no problem.
Hi Dirk, thanks for the hint. I have updated the guide.
Hello ! Nice description !!! But i have a question, as for spot 3, are the pictures taken from the church hill ? Spot 3 seems as remote as spot 4, so it is far. Pictures shown were maybe taken in the forbidden area ? It seems some informations were (wisely) deleted. Also, does anybody tested the hill located 2 km before touchdown ? Thanks for the feedback.
Hi, the pictures at #3 were taken from the hill which is directly at the road.
You should not go to the red marked area infront of #3. We had it in the guide but removed it because of troubles with military.
There are several beach clubs along Karteros Beach, which give you also a very relaxed spotting. The one I used is this one (35.33063864461077, 25.200202128459732). There you can have food and drinks served, while spotting.
Planes are a bit higher and further away, but they are still OK. At least no problems at all with security or military.
Photos can be found here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/JxERovzibqbDq6y8A (The approach shots taken there)
Some friends even stayed in the AKS Minoan Palace Hotel at the end of the beach for spotting.
sounds great, can we use the photos for the guide please? Of course with your credits.
Hey Guys, last Year i was spotting in HER and just didnt know that its risky there. I was up at the Hill (Now marked as No Go Area on the Map). I did my Photos without knowing that its not allowed. There are nowhere signs or anything else so i thought its legal. After a nice C27 of the HAF departed a military jeep stopped at the street and the soldier wanted to talk to me at the fence. I went there and he told me in relatively good english that all Photos of Aircrafts with any parts of the Airport in the Background are illegal as its a partly military airport. I apologized and said i didnt know it and there are no signs. He said its ok if i take photos of Planes approaching with sky in the background but not with any parts of the airport in the background. After that i took my stuff and left the place immediately.
If its correct what he told me then Spot 1 (With the airport in the background) and spot 2 are illegal.
Its really stange rules at this airport. Lot of Airlines Post Pics from HER on their Instagram channels without problems. Realy Realy strange.
Next time when iam in HER i will definetly try that spot again. This time with way more caution!
Hi Timo, thanks for your feedback. It is indeed very strange. We are aware of two spotters, which were arrested this summer by the police after taking some photos.
We try to avoid any trouble, thats why we removed it. Of course we hope the situation will change or already changed and other spotters were more successful.
Hey, I am currently at Heraklion, which spot would be safest to spot at?
Hi, we recommend spot #4 and not #3. We will remove latter as you can get arrested there. So the new location is #3, next to the church.
I will try Church hill
I’d go to spot 1 as it’s the easiest to reach and you have different kind of shots