
Spotter Magazine Issue 37
June 7, 2023
Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta Intl. Airport – Spotting Guide
June 14, 2023
Spotter Magazine Issue 37
June 7, 2023
Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta Intl. Airport – Spotting Guide
June 14, 2023Albuquerque Intl. Sunport Airport – Spotting Guide
- last modified on October 21, 2024

Albuquerque Intl. Sunport Airport (ABQ/KABQ) is the biggest airport in New Mexico with 4,3 million passengers a year. The average traffic at ABQ is not too special with the usual carriers – Southwest, American or United. But ABQ also handles quite a few cargo flights (UPS as well as Amazon’s Prime).10 tankers DC10s are also based at the southwesternmost ramp (Spot 7) and prepared for firefighting season here.
Moreover, there is also the huge Kirtland Air Base at ABQ. Because of the base, Spotting in this area around runway 26 is not possible!
Written by Severin Hackenberger in cooperation with Corbett Thomas, Auggie Turner, Adam Juriga, Elliott Martin, Graham Hutton and Sebastian Wermuth. Last Update: Oct 2024 – spot 8 added
Rating | |
Movements | ![]() |
Airline Variety | ![]() |
Photo Locations | ![]() |
Weather | ![]() |
Airport Information | |
Runways | |
03/21 | 3048m / 10000ft |
08/26 | 4204m / 13793ft |
12/30 | 1829m / 6000ft |
Terminals | |
T1 | There is one terminal handling all operations here. |
Spotting Information | |
Ladder | Ladder not recommended, try to shoot through the mesh as often as possible. |
Car/Public Transport | A car is definitely needed at ABQ, public transport is not useful! |
Drinks/Food | There are no shops around the spots mostly. |
Hotels | There are no real spotter hotels here. |
Season | Summer is super hot and thus hazy. We therefore recommend the rest of the year. |
Security | ABQ is absolutely not a spotter paradise. There are quite a few companies who do not like us spotters. Especially Eclipse aerospace is a place to avoid during business hours. In general, please keep a low profile while spotting at ABQ! Also keep away from the air base in the northeast! Try to avoid using ladders, do not hang along the fence and stow your camera as often as possible. |
Runway Usage | |
General Info | Runway 21 is used for departures if the wind allows this to avoid longer taxies prior 26 departure. However, 08 is in use most of the time. |
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Spot #1 – Aircraft viewing area north – Northern Gates |
WHERE | This spot is the small official viewing area at the southern end of the Grand Blvd SE, just east of the terminal and surrounding parking areas. Head to the fence at the street’s end where you can park and obey the aircraft below a shaded/covered hut. |
WHAT | From here you have a nice view onto the northeastern A gates – e.g. Southwest. |
TIME | Honestly, the spot has backlit most day – only late evenings are good. |
MISC. | Nothing needed. Parking spot and shadow available, but no stores. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 50-200mm |

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Spot #2 – Departure gates – Ramp around terminal |
WHERE | No exact position, rather the windows all along the glass front all around the departure gates. Just pass the security check and head for the windows around the gates. |
WHAT | Movements on the ramps and runways around the terminal. |
TIME | Depends on your position and angel of the planes, but best in the morning or afternoon. |
MISC. | This spot is located AFTER the security = only accessable with valid boarding pass. All you need is around the spot. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 24-200mm B737 = 50mm |
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Spot #3 – Concrete parking – Western Gates |
WHERE | Turn off George Dr SE east of the USPS building and head southeastwards on an Airport Service Rd. You should end up on a concrete kind of parking platform without lots of markings. Just head to the fence front and shoot from there easily. |
WHAT | From here you can photograph planes taxiing to the western ramp and gates. |
TIME | Nice light from later noon till sunset. |
MISC. | Haze can be an issue on hot days. Nothing around though. Ladder may be useful and keep a low profile to avoid issues and attention. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 50-250mm |
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Spot #4 – Eclipse fence – 08 Arrivals + 08 Line-ups + 26 departures |
WHERE | There is an employee parking lot of the local company “Eclipse aerospace”. Resist the temptation to park here as you will quickly be told to leave – but north of the parking you find a small “gravel area” along the fence. From here you can nicely shoot the arrival path and taxiways through the fence. |
WHAT | 08 Arrivals as well as line ups plus also low 26 take-offs. |
TIME | Arrivals actually all day, but line-ups only in the afternoon. |
MISC. | We had no issues with security or anything but there were others experiences as well. On the weekends you won’t be bothered but avoid it during business hours. ALWAYS KEEP A LOW PROFILE HERE! Line-ups have to be shot through the fence, but do not use ladders here in order to avoid attention! Nothing such as supermarkets around! Haze may be an issue. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 50-300mm A319 to the back = 180mm |
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Spot #5 – Clark Carr Rd SE – GA Ramp |
WHERE | This spot is located along the fences around the Del Sol Aviation ramp. Simply park somewhere in the area and search your favourite spot along the Clark Carr Rd SE here as marked. |
WHAT | You can spot the ramp in front easily: depending on where you head to you may see helicopters, GA or even parked bigger aircraft. |
TIME | Depending on your exact position and what you aim for. But around noon should be best. |
MISC. | Ladder useful, but try to use it as little as possible and to shoot through the mesh instead. However, haze can be an issue when spotting from groundlevel. Nothing around here! Keep a low profile to avoid attention! Take your picture and stow the camera again or leave! |
FOCAL LENGTH | 24-200mm |
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Spot #6 – Access Rd C SE – 03/21 movements |
WHERE | This spot is located at the end of Access Rd C SE. Simply head for the end of the street, you’ll end up in a parking area: park here and simply shoot from along the fence between some hangars. |
WHAT | Here you can nicely see movements on runway 03/21. |
TIME | From later noon till sunset. |
MISC. | Ladder useful, but try to use it as little as possible and to shoot through the mesh instead. However, haze can be an issue when spotting from groundlevel. Nothing around here! Keep a low profile to avoid attention! Take your picture and stow the camera again or leave! |
FOCAL LENGTH | 70-300mm |
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Spot #7 – Southern Aircraft Viewing Area – 03/21 + Cargo ramp |
WHERE | Head for the GA area and Cargo Center south on Spirit Dr SE. Pass these on the left though, soon you will then reach the viewing area on the left as well. Turn off and drive up to the gate. Formerly there was a gravel area here where you could easily park and shoot from some elevated hills. But now there is a big new Amazon hall (Google Maps not up to date). Park somewhere in the area and position yourself along the fence in the front. |
WHAT | From here you can spot runway 03/21 in front as well as the nearby cargo and DC10 tanker ramp. |
TIME | From later noon on till sunset. |
MISC. | The amazon hall here is new – the area still changes frequently, so it may be different then described above! Please let us know about changes. However, you should be able to elevate on some sort of stairs here (alowing shots like the Prime 737 or the row of DC10 tails). Please let us know how exactly that looks like. Heat haze is an issue here on hot days! Keep a low profile here as you are partly on company property. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 40-300mm |

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Spot #8 – Rental Car Parking – 08 arrivals |
WHERE | This location is located by the Rental Car facilities of KABQ. To get there, exit Sunport blvd and turn right on University; if coming from the interstate (head south). From there, turn left up Spirit Dr. Take the first right on Spirit and head straight down that road until you reach a cul de sac. You are situated on a raised hill above University blvd. The angle is not the best here compared to spot 4 but you can park and stay in your car here. |
WHAT | Here you can shoot runway 8 arrivals. There is no fence to shoot though or any need of a ladder. No runways are visible unless you hike up the hill to the airport fence. |
TIME | Arrivals actually all day. |
MISC. | No issues so far with authorities. No food or facilities available. |
FOCAL LENGTH | 55-200. If you only have a 18-55 mm lens, then this is the spot for you. Aircraft are perfectly in the frame when zoomed in at 55 mm. |
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