Cochin International Airport – Spotting Guide
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September 23, 2021
Cochin International Airport – Spotting Guide
September 18, 2021
Győr Pér Airport – Spotting Guide
September 23, 2021Kecskemét International Air Show 2021

After a long break of eight years, the "Kecskemét International Air Show and military display" took place end of August 2021 again. It is one of the biggest military airshow in Europe besides the Royal International Air Tattoo in the UK, with RIAT being cancelled this year it was the biggest aviation event all over Europe in the 2021 season. The airbase itself is a few kilometers outside of Kecskemét city, which is a one hour drive from the capital city of hungary, Budapest, away.
The official show lasted a total of two days: Saturday and Sunday. However, some spotters from Hungary were invited on Friday while the weekend was open to the general public including lots of spotters this year. The Fly-ins started already a couple of days before the official show has began. The first participants to arrive were the Saudi Hawks on Monday, 5 days before the first air show day.
Participants of the airshow came from all over the world. While there were some exotic guests from Brazil, Saudi Arabia, the US or Turkey, the airshow was also attended by many other, mainly eastern european countries like Czechia, Poland, Serbia or Croatia. Only a few western european countries took part like Italy or the UK. Of course, the Hungarian military brought everything they could. Fighters, helicopters, passenger aircraft like the A319, but not only aircraft were present, even tanks and other military ground equipment were able to be spotted.
Don't miss our planespotting guide for the Kecskemét Air Base.General Info
- The entrance fee for Saturday and Sunday is 5000 HUF, around 14 Euros. Children below the age of 10 are free of charge.
- Free Parking
- Official Website
- Facebook Site